Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why Guyana? Part 1

I just realized that I never really explained "Why Guyana?" Part of this journey is how I got there! Plus, the story is kind of funny : )

Ever since eighth grade, I had watched tons of my friends go on foreign mission's trip. The one the church I was going to at the time sponsored a church in the Dominican Republic, so every summer I would ask my parents if I could go. Their answers were usually "yes" because they knew I was too terrified to do anything like that to begin with. Obviously, a few years had passed, and I really felt like God was calling me to go somewhere. I really thought it was going to be Belize, but long story short, my parents said no and the trip ended up falling through. So I kept praying...

About this time, my boyfriend, Miles, threw out the idea of Guyana. I think he figured I would say no because I was terrified of a lot of things the trip would entail. My answer was a little different. I said that I would go if my parents would agree. There's the catch. Neither of my parents have ever been on a mission's trip, and my dad doesn't really like me even leaving my city. I knew, however, that if Guyana was where I was being led, God would answer my prayers. So I walked into the kitchen, "Dad, I really want to go to Guyana this summer... Can I go?" And Dad says "Yes!". I was shocked and almost 100% I was hearing it wrong. DAD SAID YES!!!

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