Sunday, January 16, 2011

Before I Left

I had just returned from an awesome trip to Massachusetts with my best friend, and I was frantically packing to leave the next morning for Guyana. She was helping me, as usual, and talking to me about her two recent trips to Haiti. She's absolutely incredible; her passion for those little Haitian orphans she spent her time with is something that I truly admire.
Back to the story : )
I was half listening because I was so "busy", and then she quoted something that hit me...

It was from the book The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns. I can't find the exact quote but it went something like this:

Those who have God and everything have no more than those who have God and have nothing.

She reminded me, with this quote, that I had nothing more than the people I was going to be with. She also told me to remember while I was there that I wasn't God, I couldn't save them or even offer a huge solution to their lifelong problems. I was going to be there to love on them, to be an extension of Christ, and to make Him known. It was a powerful reality check for me because honestly, I probably would of stepped foot in Guyana thinking I was going to be their savior. How wrong would I have been...
It's still something that I think about. I really, really want to know the magic solution to ending all of their hunger, pain, desperation, etc. but I won't ever know it. No human ever can know it.

I need to keep this mindset when I go back (God-willing) in April. I have nothing more then they do.

Reality checks are a very good thing sometimes...


Anonymous said...

That quote truly was the greatest reminder as I traveled! The truth in it is so great when you really reflect on it. Praise be to God that He is all we need! Everything else, especially incredible best friends :), are just special blessings! I love you Lauren <3

Anonymous said...

Great post baby. I love reading these outpourings of your heart. Keep it up girl! I love you more <3

Melissa the Dilettante said...


Lexie said...

Just found your blog from the comment you left on Loves.

And strangely enough....I think we used to be "blog friends" back in the day. Lol. Do you remember

I saw your face and I was like, I KNOW THAT GIRL! Hahah!

I don't blog much on that blog any more...but my mom does at!

Its great catching up on your life!

Lauren said...

Yes!! I think we were blog friends haha. It's been forever! Find me on Facebook if you have one!

Lexie said...

How do I find you? Whats your last name?

Lauren said...

Lexie, I think I added you on Facebook : ) I broke my fast for like 12 seconds to add you haha! I'd love to talk when I get back on Facebook!