Monday, November 22, 2010

missin' you

i miss my guyana loves.
i miss the warm temperatures. the amazon river.
i miss capooey.
i miss the beautiful, partially toothless, smiles of the little orphans.
i miss the gracious hugs of the elderly.
i miss paint fights. kick ball. hair braiding.
i miss the carefree, selfless community.
i miss everything about that place.

ill see you again in april.
i absolutely can not wait.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

be still

"be still, and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

this is a verse that i need to spend alot more time making a part of my life. with school, friends, college apps, and the everyday busyness that i deem so important to me really won't get me anywhere if i fail to recognize my Creator.

i think it's important sometimes to put the A.P. Bio down, my cell phone away, and stop all other distractions to just be still. sometimes, as stupid as this sounds, i just want to leave and go somewhere that no one else has ever been. away from the distractions and stresses of everyday life. i have to stop and wonder if the type of lifestyle we have established in modern day times is really what God wants from us.

so thats my goal for today.

just. be. still.

starting over

I'm starting over. from square one.

it had been well over a year since my last post so i deemed it time to begin again. im half way through my senior year of high school and getting really excited about what God has in store for my college days. He is in control. im letting Him lead me where He wants me to be because I know that He has a wonderful plan for my life.

im anxiously awaiting a return trip to Guyana, South America.
i went this past july and believe i left my heart there. the children there are incredible. they barely have anything yet have such an outlook on life that i could really learn from. they know how to love unconditionally. they look past the petty "failures" we put on ourselves and one another. they have lost both of their parents. a home. a normal way of life. yet they look at each new day with hope. nothing can get worse than what they have been through. i want to learn how to love like that. a love without conditions. when i go back in April, i want to prove to those little orphans that i care, and that i will keep returning for as long as i live. i can't wait to see those smiling faces again... to sit down with as many as can fit in my lap and hear their life stories. because when it comes down to it, they know what it means to live. and to live to the fullest.