Thursday, February 27, 2014

It's About that Time Again!!

It blows my mind every single year how quick the in-between time goes by before we head out to Guyana once again!! I am so very excited to announce that our team will be leaving March 8th to head back to one of the best places on earth!

It is my pleasure to introduce this year's team to you led by our fearless leaders, Jeff and Melissa Butler!

New members:

Caitlin George
Elizabeth Sharpe
Pastor Tim Reaves
Tony Brigman

Returning members:

Pat Everett
Miles Butler
Katy Butler
Lauren Prevatte (me!)
Andy Sam- in Guyana!
Clement Gonsalves- in Guyana!

We will be finishing up last minute packing and planning this Sunday and fly out bright and early the following Saturday. We are so very excited for what the Lord has in store for us this year, and we ask that you please keep us in your thoughts and prayers while we are traveling and spending time with the Guyanese. We will be, once again, running our homeless street feeding program as well as spending much time with children in various orphanages and will even be building a playground (pray extra hard for that one ;) )! I look forward to being able to share recaps and pictures on a daily basis (Guyana internet depending)!

Thanks for your love and support!

More in-route to Guyana,