Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 4 - Another Day of Hope!

Hey everyone!

What an amazing day it has been! It has been filled with hard work, love, hope, and promise. We got up on normal schedule and headed to Hope Home for our fourth day there. We got right to work on the playground and were able to get the roof and tarp cover on one stand and the other swingset ready to go! Tony also worked to pressure wash the orphanage walls. Katy continued her mural, and it is looking great! Elizabeth and I were also able to do crafts with some of the younger ones. Today's story was John the Baptist baptizing Jesus!

We had to leave around 1 pm to get back to the hotel in time to make it to Stanleyville for dinner and a church service. What a blessing that whole experience was! We were served an amazing dinner of barbeque chicken, chow mein, curry chicken, sour sop juice,     rice, and roti. It was so great and the chicken tasted a bit like being back home! We then got to play with the most adorable puppy and headed to the church for the service. Elizabeth and Pat gave their awesome testimonies, and Pastor Tim preached an incredible sermon. The entire service was so moving. I stood in awe at the way God works in every country all around the world. The singing was loud and fun and a beautiful noise to The Lord. We even had to watch out for swarms of stray beetles some of which found their way down Miles's shirt and up Tim's pant leg during the sermon. He also got hit in the back with a "bird" (aka a cicada) during his time playing the keyboard, and it brought an awesome laugh to the team. 

We are back at the hotel now preparing for bed and another great day tomorrow at Hope and Ruimveldt. We definitely appreciate the prayers for the weather! We had our first overcast day since being here, and it was such a blessing. Our prayer request for tomorrow is that we will be able to finish the playground before we have to leave Hope! We appreciate all of your many thoughts and prayers!


Pictures to come! I have to get the team ones off another camera tonight, but here are some of mine for now!

My adorable new friend, Trouble 

Craft and story time with the little ones!

Guyana sunset :)

Gotta have a little fun!

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