Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Day of Firsts!

***Pictures are now up!***

Well as I said before we are finally here! I was so excited when the plane finally touched down in Guyana. We got through the airport rather smoothly and were so happy to see Tessa and Joshua (Derrick's daughter and grandson) and Andy (fellow team member and van driver)! We headed back to the hotel which is new for all of us and very nice and got a much needed night of rest!

Today we were up bright and early for devotions, a wonderful breakfast, and got on the road to head to Hope Home. We were a little disappointed that many of the kids are still in school and weren't there, but of course we enjoyed the company of the children who were there. Our project at Hope this year is painting the boy's section of the bedrooms. They are currently remodeling it so our project is just part of the process to make their living situation a little bit nicer. Thanks to Leah, we also did a fun craft with some of the kids which included butterfly making, spider coloring, and Holly and I being covered in stamp ink!! We figured the orphanage director would rather us be covered in ink than the kids so we took one for the team :) and of course, laughed the whole time. They were excited to see our new "tattoos"! 
      We left Hope Home a little early today so we could head back and prepare to feed the homeless. We did something a little different this year by partnering with members of a local recovering addicts program. We were given the opportunity to stand in front of a local business, hand out food, drinks, cross necklaces, and t-shirts (jerseys as they are called here). Some of our team members were also able to lay hands on homeless men and women and pray for their journey in hopes that recovery is something that they will seek one day.

 We finished our day with dinner at Popeyes!!

Today was definitely a busy day but filled with many firsts for the team and lots of laughter and joy. We are so excited to see what the rest of the week has in store for us. Thank you for all of your prayers during this journey. We are certainly appreciative! 

More tomorrow! 


Sweet time with the Upchurch's in the Miami airport!

Clothes drying at Hope Home

Our project at Hope- painting the boy's bedroom

Holly, Leah, and Michael about to enjoy lunch!

Holly and I got decorated with stamps :)

Feeding the homeless on the streets of Georgetown!

1 comment:

Charles George said...

Praying for blessings all around. Looking forward to pictures! - Charles from PVUMC