Thursday, July 5, 2012

Heading Out!

I'll never forget a quote that my best friend once shared with me a few years back while we were both discussing our hearts for international missions...

"Those who have God and nothing else have no more than those who have God and have everything."

It always helps me put into perspective exactly what we are about to go do. I am not there to fix anyone or anything but simply there to come along the Guyanese people and lavish the love upon them that God has so graciously given to me.

Reading in my Guyana journal tonight, I came across a letter from one of the little girls I have had the pleasure of getting close to there. She told me "No matter how hard things get in life. Keep on trusting in the Lord and He will deliver you." To me, this completely personifies the Guyanese people I have had the pleasure of meeting. She is in one of the worst situations that I could imagine, yet she is encouraging me to look to the Lord. How powerful and moving!

I am anxious to be over in Guyana again... to see my beautiful little orphan friends, to hold some precious little babies, to talk to the homeless men and hopefully learn even more of their stories this year. I hope and pray that God uses me, as well as the whole team, to reach these people.

I also pray that God breaks my heart for the things there that break His. That isn't always an easy prayer, but it is one that has radically changed my life for the best. I have learned that His eyes are FAR different than mine, and His perspective is one that I certainly do not ever want to miss out on: )

 I will be doing the team updates each night (and depending on the internet, hopefully some pictures) for friends and family to see!

Thanks for your continued prayers and support. We head out bright and early Tuesday morning and should be in Guyana by Tuesday night!!!


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